Across the United States, communities and government agencies alike are coming together in an effort to crack down on texting, cellphone use and other dangerous distracted driving behaviors in honor of National Distracted Driving Awareness Month.
An alarming 87% of drivers have admitted to being engaged in at least one risky behavior while behind the wheel within the past month, according to the latest research by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. The report also found:
- More than 2 in 3 drivers (70%) report talking on a cell phone while driving within the past 30 days. Nearly 1 in 3 drivers (31%) report doing this fairly often or regularly.
- More than 2 in 5 drivers (42%) admit to reading a text message or email while driving in the past 30 days, while 12% report doing this fairly often or regularly. Nearly 1 in 3 drivers (32%) admit to typing or sending a text or email over the past month, while 8% say they do so fairly often or regularly.
- Over 80% of driver’s view distracted driving as a bigger problem than three years ago
- Previous research by NHTSA estimates that distracted driving is a factor in at least 3,000 deaths per year, though the actual number is likely much higher. Drivers who take their eyes off the road for more than two seconds can double their risk of being in a crash.
Rosenberg & Gluck is dedicated to doing its part to spread awareness of the devastation distracted driving can cause and promote safe driving habits in our community.
How You Can Play a Part in Distracted Driving Awareness Month: As a driver you can play a big part in reducing distracted driving accidents by practicing safe habits yourself. Minimize distractions by doing the following:
- Keep your phones off and out of sight
- Pull over if you are awaiting an important call, text, or email.
- Plan ahead. If you are using a navigation system, pre-set your destination and set your music playlists in advance to avoid fumbling with music players or the radio while driving.
- Get plenty of sleep. Driving while you are drowsy is also a dangerous distracted driving practice since you may not be as focused and alert as you should be behind the wheel.
- Eat before or after your drive. Both drinking and eating while driving can be incredibly distracting.
- Avoid smoking while driving. This is a leading cause of distracted driving.
- Hold distracted drivers accountable. If you have been a victim of an accident because of a distracted driver, you can help raise public awareness of our nation’s troubling distracted driving problem by holding the driver accountable for their negligence and fighting for your rights as a victim of a distracted driver.