Throughout the month of May, Rosenberg & Gluck wants to call attention to the dangers and vulnerabilities motorcyclists face when riding on the road. Motorcycle crashes are one of the most prevalent causes of death and injury on Long Island roads. Motorcyclists are about 30 times more likely to die in a crash than drivers of passenger vehicles.
The National Safety Council (NSC) is dedicated to Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month by promoting and encouraging motorists to make an effort to share the road with motorcyclists and be extra alert when they are nearby.
As the warmer weather approaches, the number of motorcyclists on the road will increase. It is important that both motorists and motorcyclists to be aware of one anther. We have seen all too often, from handling many motorcycle accident cases, the errors motorists and motorcyclists make on the road that cause accidents. Here are some tips that helps prevent motorcycle accidents and injuries:
- Follow the rules of the roadways
- Give greater following distance behind a motorcycle.
- Be extra cautious in intersections. Most crashes occur when a driver fails to see a motorcyclist and turns left in front of a motorcycle.
- Give a motorcycle the full lane width – never try to share a lane.
- Follow the rules of the roadways
- Wear appropriate safety gear, including a quality helmet.
- Position motorcycle in lane where you will be out of a motorist’s blind spot.
- Avoid constant lane changing and use turn signals for every turn or lane change.
According to The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2014 over 4,000 motorcyclists died in crashes. 39% of the motorcyclists killed were not wearing helmets.