How Long Does It Take to Settle a Semi-Truck Accident Case?

If you or a loved one has been involved in a semi-truck accident in Long Island or elsewhere in New York, you’re likely facing a challenging and emotional time. The aftermath of such accidents can be devastating, often resulting in severe injuries, significant financial burdens, and in some tragic cases, the loss of life.

As you navigate this difficult period, one of the most pressing questions may be: “How long will it take to settle my semi-truck accident case?” This question depends on a lot of unique factors.

An experienced Long Island truck accident lawyer can work to efficiently handle your personal injury claim and get you the relief you need.

At Rosenberg & Gluck LLP, we understand the physical, emotional, and financial toll these accidents can take on victims and their families. Let us work while you focus on your recovery. Our experienced team of attorneys is here to guide you through the legal process with compassion and expertise.

The Complexity of Semi-Truck Accident Cases

Industrial grade white big rig semi truck with a twisted wheel and a punctured tire standing out of service on the road

Semi-truck accidents are often more complex than typical car accidents for several reasons:

  • Multiple parties may have contributed to the crash, including the truck driver, trucking company, vehicle manufacturers, and cargo loaders.
  • Federal, state, and local regulations come into play, adding layers of complexity to the legal process.
  • The injuries sustained in these accidents are often more severe due to the size and weight of semi-trucks.
  • Evidence can be more challenging to gather and preserve.

These factors can significantly affect the time it takes to reach a settlement. Let’s explore each aspect of the process further.

Important Steps to Take After a Semi-Truck Accident

Even if some time has passed since your semi-truck accident, to protect your rights and strengthen your case:

  • Contact an experienced truck accident attorney immediately: If you haven’t already done so, this should be your first priority. An attorney can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and help you avoid common pitfalls that could harm your case.
  • Avoid communicating with insurance companies: Insurance adjusters may try to contact you for statements or settlement offers. Politely decline to discuss the accident or your injuries without your attorney present. Remember, these companies often aim to minimize payouts, and anything you say could be used against you.
  • Do not admit fault: Even if you believe you may have been partially responsible for the accident, avoid admitting fault to anyone. Liability in truck accidents is complex, and there may be factors you’re unaware of that contributed to the crash.
  • Gather and preserve evidence: If you have any photos, videos, or documents related to the accident, make sure to preserve them. This includes medical records, accident reports, and any correspondence with insurance companies or other parties involved.
  • Seek or continue medical treatment: If you haven’t already, get a thorough medical evaluation. If you’re already receiving treatment, continue to follow your doctor’s orders and keep all appointments. This creates a record of your injuries and shows you take your recovery seriously.
  • Avoid discussing the accident on social media: Insurance companies often monitor social media accounts. Refrain from posting about the accident or your injuries, as these posts could potentially be used to undermine your claim.

Remember, it’s never too late to seek legal advice after a semi-truck accident. While taking immediate action is ideal, an experienced attorney can still help you navigate the legal process and fight for fair compensation, even if some time has passed since the accident.

How Can a Truck Accident Lawyer Help With Your Semi-Truck Crash Claim?

Bags of Evidence

A semi-truck accident can leave you dealing with severe injuries or the loss of a loved one. A skilled truck accident lawyer can help you secure the compensation you deserve. Let’s explore the various ways an experienced attorney can assist with your semi-truck crash claim:


A thorough investigation of semi-truck accident cases can take several weeks to months. Your truck accident attorney will look at the following factors during the investigation:

  • Accident reconstruction: Experts may recreate the accident scene and determine who was at fault.
  • Gathering evidence: This includes police reports, witness statements, medical records, and vehicle maintenance logs.
  • Analyzing black box data: Many semi-trucks have electronic logging devices that record crucial data about the vehicle’s operation.
  • Reviewing driver and company records: This includes the driver’s qualifications, training, and hours of service logs, as well as the company’s safety records.

Determining Liability

Establishing liability in a semi-truck accident can be complex due to the potential involvement of multiple parties:

  • The truck driver: May be held liable for negligent driving behaviors.
  • The trucking company: Could be responsible for improper training, maintenance issues, or encouraging unsafe practices.
  • Vehicle or parts manufacturers: May be liable if a defective part contributed to the accident.
  • Cargo loaders: Could be held responsible if improper loading led to the accident.

 Determining liability often requires extensive investigation and can significantly impact the timeline of your case.

Damages & Claim written on wooden blocks

Assessing Damages

Calculating the full extent of damages is a critical step in the settlement process. Potential compensation for a semi-truck crash may include:

  • Medical expenses: Current and future medical costs related to your injuries.
  • Lost wages and income: Compensation for time missed from work and potential future earning capacity.
  • Pain and suffering: Non-economic damages for physical and emotional distress.
  • Property damage: Costs to repair or replace your vehicle and other damaged property.
  • Long-term care: If your injuries require ongoing medical care or assistance.

Accurately assessing damages, especially long-term impacts, can take time but is essential for securing fair compensation.

Insurance Company Negotiations

Negotiations with insurance companies begin once liability is established and damages are assessed. This process usually involves:

  • Initial offer: The insurance company may make an initial settlement offer, which is often lower than the true value of your claim.
  • Counteroffer: Your attorney will likely respond with a counteroffer based on a thorough assessment of your damages.

The back-and-forth of the negotiation process can take weeks or months, depending on the complexity of the case and the willingness of the parties to reach an agreement. However, your lawyer will advocate for you to secure a comprehensive settlement soon.

It’s important to remember that accepting an early settlement offer may not be in your best interest, as the full extent of your injuries and long-term impacts may not yet be known.

The Role of Federal, State, and Local Laws in New York Truck Crash Cases

Semi-truck accidents in New York are subject to various laws and regulations:

Federal Regulations

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations govern interstate trucking operations. These include hours-of-service rules, driver qualification standards, and vehicle maintenance requirements. Violations of these regulations can be crucial evidence in establishing liability.

New York State Laws

  • New York Vehicle and Traffic Law: Governs road rules and driver responsibilities.
  • New York Insurance Law: Mandates minimum insurance coverage for commercial vehicles.
  • New York Labor Law: May come into play if the accident involves workplace safety issues.

Local Ordinances

Long Island and other New York localities may have specific ordinances regarding truck routes, weight limits, and parking restrictions. Violations of these local laws can contribute to liability determinations.

Understanding and applying these various laws and regulations is a complex task that requires legal skill and can impact the duration of your case.

Statute of limitations (SOL) on a court desk.

The Statute of Limitations

In New York, the statute of limitations for personal injury cases, including semi-truck accidents, is generally three years from the date of the accident. For wrongful death claims, the statute of limitations is two years from the date of death.

However, it’s crucial to note that if your accident involves a municipality (such as a city, county, or state entity), you must file a Notice of Claim within 90 days of the accident, and the lawsuit must be filed within one year and 90 days.

These time frames may seem generous, but building a strong case is a complex process that requires thorough investigation and preparation. It’s essential to initiate legal proceedings well before these deadlines to ensure your rights are protected. Waiting too long can result in the loss of critical evidence and may jeopardize your ability to seek compensation.

Moreover, in semi-truck accident cases, which can involve multiple parties and extensive investigations, start the legal process early. Your attorney will need time to gather evidence, consult with experts, and build a compelling case on your behalf.

Remember, these statutes of limitations are strict, and failing to file within the specified timeframe typically results in the court dismissing your case, regardless of its merit. Therefore, consult an experienced truck accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident to ensure all necessary steps are taken within the required time limits.

Will My Truck Collision Case Have to Go to Court?

While many semi-truck accident cases settle out of court, some may proceed to litigation.

This is the process your lawyer may follow in these cases:

  • Filing a lawsuit: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, your attorney may recommend filing a personal injury lawsuit or wrongful death lawsuit.
  • Discovery phase: This involves exchanging information between parties and can take several months.
  • Pre-trial motions: Various legal motions may be filed, potentially extending the timeline.
  • Trial: If the case goes to trial, it can add significant time to the process.

Even if a lawsuit is filed, settlement negotiations can continue, and many cases settle before reaching trial.

Factors That Can Expedite or Delay Settlement

Several factors can influence the timeline of your semi-truck accident case. In some cases, these factors will help expedite the settlement, meaning it will go faster. In other cases, your case may be delayed. Let’s take a closer look:

Factors that may expedite settlement

  • Clear liability: If fault is obvious and undisputed.
  • Cooperative parties: When all involved parties are willing to negotiate in good faith.
  • Comprehensive documentation: Having thorough evidence and records readily available.
  • Experienced legal representation: An attorney with expertise in semi-truck accidents can navigate the process efficiently.

Factors that may delay settlement

  • Disputed liability: When fault is unclear or contested by multiple parties.
  • Severity of injuries: Cases involving severe or long-term injuries often take longer to settle.
  • Uncooperative insurance companies: If insurers are unwilling to offer fair compensation.
  • Complex legal issues: Cases involving multiple jurisdictions or intricate legal questions may take longer to resolve.

The Importance of Patience in Pursuing Fair Compensation for Your Truck Accident Claim


While it’s natural to want a quick resolution to your semi-truck accident case, rushing the settlement process can undervalue your claim and leave you without adequate compensation for your injuries and losses. Exercise patience and allow time for several important factors to develop.

First, your injuries need time to stabilize, as some may not fully manifest immediately after the accident. This period allows for a more accurate assessment of your long-term medical needs and the true impact of the injuries on your life.

We consider the long-term impacts of the accident, including future medical needs, potential changes in your ability to work, and alterations to your quality of life.

Second, gathering comprehensive evidence is a time-consuming but essential process for building a strong case and maximizing your compensation. This includes collecting medical records and expert testimonies, and thoroughly investigating the accident circumstances.

 Your attorney will work diligently to balance the need for a timely resolution with the importance of securing fair and full compensation, ensuring that all aspects of your damages are properly accounted for before agreeing to any settlement.

Wrongful Death Claims in Commercial Truck Accidents

Tragically, due to the immense size and weight of 18-wheelers and other large trucks and commercial vehicles, these accidents often result in fatalities. If you’ve lost a loved one in a semi-truck accident, you may be eligible to file a wrongful death claim.

These claims have unique considerations:

  • Eligible claimants: In New York, the personal representative of the deceased’s estate must file the wrongful death claim on behalf of the surviving family members.
  • Types of damages: Wrongful death claims may include compensation for funeral expenses, lost financial support, and lost inheritance.
  • Statute of limitations: As mentioned earlier, wrongful death claims in New York must be filed within two years of the date of death absent other limiting circumstances.
  • Complexity: These cases often involve complex calculations of future lost earnings and the value of lost companionship and support.

Wrongful death claims arising from semi-truck accidents can be particularly challenging and emotionally draining. Our compassionate attorneys at Rosenberg & Gluck LLP are here to guide you through this difficult process.

Your Attorney’s Role in the Settlement Process


An experienced truck accident attorney’s involvement begins with a thorough case evaluation, where they assess the strength of your claim and its potential value. This initial assessment helps set realistic expectations and guides the overall strategy for your case.

Evidence gathering is another critical function your attorney performs. They will work diligently to collect and preserve evidence to support your claim. This may involve obtaining police reports, interviewing witnesses, consulting with experts, and securing important documentation related to the accident and your injuries.

Negotiation and Communication

Your attorney will also handle all negotiations with insurance companies and opposing counsel. These negotiations require skill and experience to effectively advocate for your interests and secure fair compensation. Throughout this process, your lawyer will develop and implement a comprehensive legal strategy tailored to the specific details of your case.

Communication is a key aspect of your attorney’s role. They will keep you informed throughout the entire process, explaining complex legal concepts in understandable terms, and advocating for your best interests at every step. Your lawyer serves as your voice and representative in all legal matters related to your case.


Finally, if a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiations, your attorney will prepare your case for litigation. This involves extensive preparation, including gathering additional evidence, deposing witnesses, and developing compelling arguments to present in court.

Even if your case doesn’t go to trial, being prepared for this possibility often strengthens your position in settlement negotiations.

By handling these crucial aspects of your case, your semi-truck accident attorney allows you to focus on your recovery while ensuring that your legal rights are protected and you receive the compensation you deserve.

Contact the Experienced Truck Accident Attorneys at Rosenberg & Gluck

If you or a loved one has been involved in a semi-truck accident in Long Island or elsewhere in New York, don’t navigate this challenging time alone. Contact Rosenberg & Gluck LLP today for a free consultation. Our experienced team is here to listen to your story, answer your questions, and help you understand your legal options.

Remember, the goal is not just to settle quickly, but to secure the full and fair compensation you deserve for your injuries, losses, and long-term impacts. We’re committed to guiding you through each step of the process with compassion, skill, and dedication.

Your road to recovery starts here. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and learn more about your legal options. Call our law firm at 631-451-7900 or contact us online. Let us help you secure the compensation you deserve while you focus on healing and rebuilding your life.

Filed Under: Truck Accidents

For a free legal consultation, call 516-451-7900

Practice Areas

Our Long Island Injury Lawyers Have Experience In

Truck Accidents
Accidents on the highways can be lethal events
Bicycle Accidents
Riding a bicycle should not be unsafe
Car Accidents
If you have been seriously injured, call our firm
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injury
Medical Malpractice
Medical mistakes can cause death ruin lives
Wrongful Death
When negligence results in the death of a loved me
Premises Liability
When hurt in a location, someone has to take responsibility
Brain Injury
Brain injuries can have long term severe effects
Dog Bites
Dog bites can cause serious injury


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“The amount I could get for my case was limited (due…

– Craig S., Car Accident Client

“I want to thank Rosenberg & Gluck and Staff For the…

– Steve G., Personal Injury Client

Erin was able to get me over double what was originally…

– Nicole E., Car Accident Client

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