Whenever you are driving, there is always a chance you can get into an accident. Most minor collisions are relatively easy to handle, especially if it is quite obvious who the responsible party is. Others may not be so simple, especially if there are more than two cars involved.
In a car accident involving multiple motor vehicles, there can be pile-ups where a number of cars crash into another. An extreme example is an accident reported by MSN news where 35 cars piled up on the Long Island Expressway toward the end of December in 2012. The multiple vehicle accident killed a 68-year-old woman in a chain reaction that began when a tractor-trailer lost control, crashing into several vehicles. At least three vehicles caught on fire and the first car that collided with the tractor-trailer was completely incinerated. Accidents like this often happen in places similar to Long Island where the cold and brutal winters form ice on the road that makes driving more dangerous than normal. Black ice, in particular, can surprise drivers because it blends so well with the black pavement on the road.
Unfortunately, it seems that during the time when this accident happened, there were no icy roadways or other weather problems to speak of, but rather, road construction on the Long Island Expressway.
According to state transportation officials on Long Island, motorists on the LIE were given ample warning via road signs, orange traffic barrels, and an electronic sign stating traffic would soon be funneled into one lane. However, other drivers who were both on the road at the time, as well as those directly involved in the accident, insist that the road construction came up quickly and unexpectedly. One driver claims that she never saw any road signs or warning up until the last mile before the construction where she had to slam hard on her brakes to avoid hitting the vehicle in front of her. Others say that even the arrows in the electronic sign had bulbs that were burnt out, making it indecipherable.
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Problems With No-Fault Insurance and Pile-Up Accidents
New York is a no-fault accident state, which means that each policyholder’s insurance company covers their damages when a car accident occurs. However, when personal injury damages exceed the limits of auto insurance policies and injuries are severe enough to meet New York’s no fault, severe injury threshold, injury victims can sue other parties for their negligence in causing the accident. When suing a third party, that other party’s insurance company must cover the damages.
The challenges with a multiple car accident are that litigation typically involves a number of different insurance companies, and New York car accident lawyers must be able to prove the fault of one or more parties to bring a case. These types of cases can involve extensive investigation, accident reconstruction and expert evaluation to analyze evidence and determine fault. The more experienced the car accident lawyer, the better chances you have of prevailing in this type of case. In addition to establishing the negligent driver’s or drivers’ fault, your car accident attorney must provide convincing evidence that your damages meet the New York serious injury threshold. The personal injury attorneys at Rosenberg & Gluck, LLP have dealt with collisions involving multiple vehicles many times before, so we know just what to do in a situation such as yours.
No-Fault Insurance Company Tactics for Refusal to Pay
Though it is unfortunate, it is the reality of the situation that most insurance companies will do their absolute best to try and not pay policyholders the fair and just amount they deserve. One of the ways in which they attempt to undermine your injuries and pay less than you require is to set you up for an appointment with one of their doctors. Though the doctor is indeed a medical professional, it is important to remember that they work for the insurance company, and therefore their duty is to try and downplay the nature of your injuries, or at least prove that they are not as severe as you and your primary physician claim.
Another way is to have a claims adjuster get a hold of you on the phone. Having a knowledgeable personal injury attorney by your side in these situations is helpful because they know the tactics insurance companies use to get out of paying and they can best advise you on what to say and how to make sure you the full amount you need to pay your bills.
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Call a Long Island Personal Injury Attorney Today
When you are involved in a multiple-car accident like a pile-up, it is never something that you have expected to happen. You are most likely financially ill-prepared to manage the costs if you reach your no-fault insurance’s severe injury threshold, and lawsuits in pile-up accidents can be drawn out for extended periods of time to the immense investigations that must be conducted.
Additionally, what if you may be one of the responsible parties because you lost control on a road riddled with black ice or came across unexpected roadway construction due to a lack of signage at high speeds? The fear and pressure of having to pay for the injuries of others can be extremely overwhelming, especially if you yourself are suffering from injuries sustained in the accident.
At Rosenberg & Gluck, we know the stress and frustration that comes with these types of cases. Our attorneys have proudly provided clients with effective personal injury representation since 1983 because we have the knowledge of these accidents and the skills to do our own investigating and determine who is truly at fault. Additionally, we can help you deal with difficult insurance companies who may be giving you a hard time about paying for your injuries.
You do not have to handle your accident case all alone. Contact Rosenberg & Gluck, LLP today at (631) 451-7900 and sit down to discuss your accident injury with an experienced Long Island personal injury lawyer.