Category: Car Accidents
Should I Accept the First Offer From the Insurance Company?

It’s generally not a good idea to take the insurance company’s first offer for your car accident claim. These cases can take several rounds of negotiations to settle. You should only accept an offer that covers your expenses and losses. If you are unsure about your damages, you should consider consulting with a car accident […]
Getting Into a Car Accident in a Friend’s Car: Who is Liable? The Car Owner or the Driver?

Maybe your own car was in the shop, or you needed to move some furniture with your friend’s truck. For whatever reason, you were driving your friend’s vehicle and got into an accident. Who is liable in this situation? Is it your friend who owns the vehicle? Is it you because you were driving the […]
What If I Am Partly To Blame For My Car Accident?

Car accidents are an all-too-common occurrence in our modern world, with a wide range of causes and a variety of scenarios of fault and liability. While many car accident cases can be cut and dry, with one party being clearly to blame for the crash, other cases may be far more complicated. How does compensation […]
What Can I Do If An Insurance Company Denies My Car Accident Claim?

Car accidents are always frustrating. The sudden onset of various issues related to an accident — damage to your vehicle, financial expenses, and potential injuries — can quickly combine to create a situation that turns your life upside down. On top of the typical aggravation of dealing with the aftermath of a car accident, you […]
Who Is At Fault for a T-Bone Accident?

T-bone accidents often happen because a driver runs a red light or fails to yield, causing a collision between two vehicles passing through an intersection in different directions. Some people assume the motorist who strikes the other vehicle in the side is at fault for a T-bone accident, but this is not always the case. […]
Getting Into a Car Accident in a Rental Car

The steps you take after getting into a car accident in a rental car may be the same as what you do after an accident in your own vehicle. The primary difference is that you may not need money for vehicle repairs. However, you may still have medical bills, lost income, and other damages that […]