When Should You Seek Medical Treatment for a Dog Bite?

If you were bitten by a dog, we recommend going to a doctor as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you or your loved one has been bitten by a dog, the experienced Long Island dog bite lawyers at Rosenberg & Gluck, L.L.P. recommend that you immediately seek medical treatment for the dog bite. Even if you think your injuries are not serious enough to need medical attention, you should err on the side of caution and see a doctor.


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What Is the Medical Treatment for Dog Bites?

Your doctor will assess your dog bites and recommend treatment, which may include cleaning the wound, administering antibiotics to prevent infection and swelling, and potentially giving a tetanus booster. Depending on the severity of the animal bites, beyond the tetanus shot, stitches or reconstructive surgery might be needed to repair muscles, tendons, or nerves. Antibiotic ointment, pain medication or over-the-counter pain relief options may also be suggested.

If there is concern about rabies from the bite, your doctor might recommend a rabies vaccination. While rabies is rare in domesticated dogs, it’s important to take precautions and seek medical treatment if there are signs there’s any possibility of exposure to a rabid wild animal.

Why Is Seeking Medical Treatment Important?

Seeking medical treatment is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it ensures that bacteria from the dog’s mouth is properly cleaned and treated to prevent serious infection. When there are extensive wounds or uncontrollable bleeding from a dog attack, emergency treatment from a healthcare professional is necessary.

Seeking medical treatment allows for proper assessment and monitoring of the injury. Even if the bite may seem minor with a low risk of infection, there could be underlying damage to muscles, tendons, or nerves that require further treatment.

How Visiting a Doctor Can Aid in Legal Action After a Dog Bite

Another key reason to seek medical treatment is to have an official record of the incident and any injuries you suffered. Proper documentation for all the injuries from minor wounds to those that are life-threatening can be critical if you choose to take legal action against the dog’s owner or their insurance provider.

Types of Dog Bite Wounds

When Should You Seek Treatment for a Dog Bite?

Not all animal bites are the same, and some may require more extensive medical treatment than others:

  • Puncture wounds—deeper wounds and narrow holes in the skin caused by a dog’s canine teeth
  • Lacerations—larger cuts or tears in the skin
  • Avulsions—the skin is partially or completely torn away from the body
  • Crush injuries—a dog’s powerful jaws exert pressure on an area of the body, causing damage to muscles, tendons, or bones
  • Infections—requiring more aggressive treatment such as antibiotics or even surgery

What Should I Do After a Dog Bite?

According to NYC Health take steps after an animal bite:

  1. Get the dog owner’s contact info including name, address and phone number.
  2. If the dog is unknown, get information from anyone who may be able to identify the dog.
  3. Care for the bite wound with mild soap and water.
  4. Contact your doctor for guidance on specific wound care instructions.
  5. File a dog bite report with the appropriate county office.
  6. If you feel that the dog poses an immediate danger to you or the community, contact the police by calling 911.

Compensation You May Recover for a Dog Bite Injury

You may be eligible for economic and non-economic compensation including:

  • Medical expenses, both current and future
  • Lost income from work
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • And more

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Contact Rosenberg & Gluck, L.L.P. for a Free Dog Bite Injury Case Review

After consulting a doctor and getting treatment, you might want to explore your options for seeking compensation from the pet’s owner and their insurance company. Rosenberg & Gluck, L.L.P. is experienced in representing dog bite victims across Long Island.

Free Consultation

In your no-obligation consultation, you will meet with an experienced dog bite lawyer who can review your case, discuss your legal options, and answer your questions.

Remember, our Long Island dog bite lawyers work on a contingency basis so you will not pay legal fees unless we win your case.

Filed Under: Dog Bite

For a free legal consultation, call 516-451-7900

Practice Areas

Our Long Island Injury Lawyers Have Experience In

Truck Accidents
Accidents on the highways can be lethal events
Bicycle Accidents
Riding a bicycle should not be unsafe
Car Accidents
If you have been seriously injured, call our firm
Motorcycle Accidents
Motorcycle accidents often result in serious injury
Medical Malpractice
Medical mistakes can cause death ruin lives
Wrongful Death
When negligence results in the death of a loved me
Premises Liability
When hurt in a location, someone has to take responsibility
Brain Injury
Brain injuries can have long term severe effects
Dog Bites
Dog bites can cause serious injury


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