Author: Rosenberg & Gluck, LLP
When entering a work zone, drivers need to slow down and be alert to take precautions. Road crews post signs to warn about work zones well in advance. Yet, some drivers speed ahead to pass other drivers and merge into a single lane at the last moment. Others get impatient and tailgate. Still others are busy texting or talking on cell phones and may be completely oblivious to the work zone warning signs.
According to an article published in The Leader, 460 traffic accidents occurred in New York in contractor work zones and 52 accidents in Department of Transportation (DOT) maintenance zones in the summer of 2012. As a result, 18 people died, all of them motorists, and 134 people suffered injuries.
The acting Director of one of New York’s DOT regions stated that the main cause of work zone accidents was speeding. However, New York State police troopers see all kinds of poor driving in areas undergoing road work. Aside from speeding, distracted driving that involves cell phone use and texting is increasingly associated with accident fatalities.
The New York Safety Zone Act of 2005 doubles motorists’ fines for traffic violations in a work zone. Two work zone speeding tickets can result in driver’s license suspension. New York also has a Move Over Law for drivers nearing emergency vehicles when their emergency lights are flashing. The law requires drivers to reduce speed and move into the farther lane unless traffic prevents them from doing so safely.
If you suffer serious injury in a work zone accident because of another negligent driver, seek legal help to recover damages. For three decades, Rosenberg & Gluck has provided clients with effective personal injury representation in car accident cases. Find out how an experienced Long Island personal injury lawyer at our firm can help.