Author: Rosenberg & Gluck, LLP
Three teenage girls walking to school, suffered devastating injuries when an SUV crashed into them. The driver, who was driving his own child to school hit the accelerator instead of the brakes and plowed into the three unsuspecting teens. The girls were rescued and rushed to the hospital to tend to their injuries which included: fractured pelvis and leg, spine fractures, burns and arm injuries. Clearly, the human body is no match for a runaway motor vehicle.
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Pedestrians and the right of way
Pedestrians are extremely vulnerable when faced with a motor vehicle as an opponent. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2011, an estimated 69,000 pedestrians were injured—11,000 of those injured were aged 14 and younger. Even a slight impact between a moving vehicle and a pedestrian can cause serious injuries—especially if the collision knocks the pedestrian to the ground or into a stationary object.
While pedestrians should be careful when entering or crossing streets, obey traffic signals, and use designated cross walks, motorists are still required to yield the right of way to pedestrians. Distracted and impatient drivers often disregard this fact and injure pedestrians in the process.
Despite the laws and a pedestrian’s right of way, it can be difficult to prove the motorist’s negligence, who may claim the pedestrian crossed against a signal or appeared out of nowhere. Therefore, a thorough investigation is often required to establish the cause of the accident and the individual parties’ responsibility.
Get the help of a NY pedestrian accident attorney immediately
If you or someone you love was injured in a pedestrian accident with a motor vehicle, you need to speak with a NY personal injury attorney immediately. An experienced attorney will know how to conduct a thorough investigation in order to bring the facts of the case to light. At Rosenberg & Gluck, our attorneys have spent 30 years getting justice for accident victims and insuring that responsible parties pay for the damage they have caused. We can help you. Contact us online or call our Suffolk County law firm at (631)451-7900 to schedule a free consultation today.